The Memorial Arch for the One Who Courageously Retired to Preserve Integrity

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Also known as the Memorial Arch for the One Who Courageously Retreated and Heroically Died in Battle. Demonstrates not only the scholarly accord of our Lu family, but also their valor and strength in battle as well.

Historical Records

Written by

Lü Nan 呂柟 of Jingye 涇野, Bearing the title of Metropolitan Graduate, Grand Master for Court Precedence, Chancellor of the Directorate of Education, Former Senior Compiler at the Hanlin Academy, Lecturer at the Classics Colloquium, and Concurrent Compiler of the State History (修國史),

In Commemoration of

My Elder [Lu Xu 盧喣, whose poetic name is] Qingya 靑崖
Retired and Granted as Grand Master of Palace Accord, by
Imperial Edict Entitled as Superintendent of Grand Mountain (Taiyue 太岳) and Grand Harmony (Taihe 太和) Mountain, and served Concurrently as Grand Coordinator of Military and Civil Affairs, Right Assistant Provincial Administration Commissioner of Provincial Administration Commission of Hu and Guang Provinces (Located in front of Purplish Golden Bridge 紫金橋 of Main Road; facing north)

Ginnie Ma