G Enrich the Descendants Hall, Yuhou Tang-- outer courtyard ___

Created by: Yung-chang Tung
Collection: Yuyuan village still images


Back of the main hall.carved bracket
Back of the main hall
Carved bracket of the left pillar of the hall
Carved bracket of the right pillar of the hall
Carved bracket on the northeastern corner-one of the Eight Immortals
Carved bracket on the northeastern corner-one of the Eight Immortals01
Outside overview of the hall
Outside overview of the hall.landscape painting on the wall
Outside overview of the hall.looking out from the main gate
Outside overview of the hall.overview of the right-hand side
Outside overview of the hall.side door on the left-hand side
Outside overview of the hall.some remnants of the paintings on the wall
Plaque `Floursh Descendants Hall